Sunday 25 March 2012

Full of the joys of spring!!

The weather's been glorious here - I've had FOUR loads of washing out today!! 

It's inspired me to start sorting out the back bit of the garden (which was clearly used as a dumping ground by previous occupants but we finally got the council to come & clear the majority of the junk...).  It's going to need a lot of work doing to it, but a little every (dry) day should hopefully soon see it right for at least planting some annual flowers in...

I've also just about finished the big boys' bedroom - I promise I'll put some pics up just as soon as I've got the coving put up!

And being full of the joys of spring, I'm ready to crack on with my habithacking....
I looked at my spreadsheet just now to see where I'm up to & coincidentally, the next step is to start customising the routines - which is just what I figured I'd blog about today anyway!!  Seeing as how 2 steps ago was to add in a half-assed housecleaning hour (or half-hour as I'm hoping to make it!) & the habithacker does hers on a Monday...  Now that doesn't work for me for a variety of reasons.  So I thought that I'd do it on a Wednesday, as I've got to get rid of all the rubbish on a Wednesday anyway to put out for the binmen on a Thursday.  Then I realised that I just don't have the time on a Wednesday...  Plus I like to change the bedding at the weekend...
So I finally figured, the best thing for me is to split it up - so now I'm doing some on Wednesday, some at the weekend but most of it on a Thursday (when I have the most time).  And that's going to work best for me, so I should actually DO it - which is the important bit about this whole getting organised malarky - making things work for YOU, not just doing what some book or website tells you to do....

Onwards & upwards!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

I am my only octopuss....

Hello lovely readers.  It's been a while due to my extremely bad habit of procastinating....

Anyway, as some of you might know, I do the odd bit of pole-dancing (& by odd, I mean odd!!!  My lovely teacher Jamie shows myself & my classmate moves, & we do them COMPLETELY differently to her!!! )

So Rhi & I went to watch Jamie & one of her other students perform last week.  And they were fantastic...  Nicola was totally inspiring & motivating, she was so good & if I'm going to get anywhere near that standard I really REALLY need to practice more.... (I've been good tonight & had a bit of a session but by bit, I mean 1 song... oops!  It is the song I'll be performing to at the showcase next month so not too bad I guess..)

Anyway, we were talking to Nic afterwards & other than nagging us about practicing more often, she showed us a tattoo she's had done to motivate herself.  "I am my only obstacle"  So true, so very true.  The only person stopping me being as good as her is me.

So I really, honestly will be practicing a whole lot more often.  I don't want to be my only octopuss....

Saturday 10 March 2012

Children are strange

now while I'm pretty sure there are stranger out there than mine, (please tell me there are!!) on the weird front mine are up there with the best of them.

Take today for example...  My delightful darlings are playing at being waiters and DS1 had taken an order for roast octopus from me (ok, that might be a little hint at where they get their strangeness from!)
DS2 piped up that he wanted a roast octopus & salad sandwich....  All good, right? 

Cue a couple of minutes later when DS2 is sobbing uncontrollably...  I ask him what's wrong, only to find out he's this upset because DS1 didn't put octopus in his sandwich......  How he can tell these things from an imaginary plate, I have absolutely no idea, but DS1 had to correct the error!!!

They get nuttier!!!